UT Hogg Auditorium

Complete demolition and reinstallation of new audiovisual systems in this historic 1000+ seating auditorium on UT campus. This space hosts live concerts by professional artists, large forums and student events. The space is run mostly by students of the university, hence the space needed to be cutting edge but also flexible enough for students to learn to use high end AV systems.

Project Details

  • Complete D&B Audiotechnik loudspeaker system.
  • Digico mixers
  • Entire system configured via Dante networked audio.
  • Rear and Front projection systems
  • Digital Signage display system throughout the facility.
  • Close to 20 miles of new audio visual cabling rerun in the space.

Expertise in Audiovisual Technologies

Consultation, Design, Integration, and Support

Service and Support

Transform your space with QA Systems

Contact QA Systems today to discuss your audiovisual system needs and requirements.

image of person working at switchboard